shareware   Alien Solo VST / DirectX Plug-in   shareware

Voice-controlled analogue-style synthesiser

Alien Solo screenshot

Alien Solo is a fully-featured monophonic synth that is controlled by your voice. Sing, hum or doo-wop the lead or bassline and then dial up the synth patch you want. You can also process other monophonic sources, but the pitch tracking function is optimised for the human vocal range.


Why "Alien Solo"? Picture those aliens blowing into weird instruments in the Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine in Star Wars IV...


Listen to this MP3 of of Alien Solo in action (162k).
You'll the original vocal phrase, followed by several examples of that same phrase processed through Alien Solo.


Download the DirectX version of Alien Solo now (1213k).

Download the VST (Windows) version of Alien Solo now (1097k).

   NB: This is a 32-bit plugin. If you are using a 64-bit host app, you will need a bitbridge. I recommand jBridge.

   NB: This plugin may not work at sample rates of 192 KHz. I recommend using sample rates of 96 KHz or below.

(If your host app does not support mono effecst, use this VST Stereo version.)
The freeware versions let you audition the 8 factory presets, with the rest of the controls disabled.

Alternatively, you can download it from, where (we are told) it has received some sort of famous award.
Famous Software Download

Learn more

More info: Alien Solo User Notes.

Need help installing? Check out Installation Notes.
Will it run under your audio host? Check out Compatibility Notes.

Screen-reader friendly version for blind users available here.


NB: STOP!!! Please download, install and test Alien Solo before registering!

To register your copy of Alien Solo, please send $25 to our PayPal account.
NB: Please include your email address in the comment!
PayPal protects your personal information so diligently that I won't be able to email your unlock code if you don't do this!
When I recieve notification (mentioning which plugin you want to register), I will generate your unlock code and personally email it to you.

NB: When entering your registration code:
  *  Use Copy/Paste, don't try to type it
  *  Please include the "Curly brace" {} characters around the code.

Data Privacy

When you register, I keep a copy of all the details you provide - name, email, address, product purchased, along with the unlock code you are sent.
This data is used for one purpose, and one purpose only: to assist you if lose that unlock code (disk crash, new computer, lost email, mists of time). Every few weeks I get an email requesting this service.
About three times (since 2001) I have sent unsolicited emails (aka spam) informing customers of new or updated products, the last time was in 2005 (I think).
This data is securely stored, and I have not (and will not ever), pass this data on to any third party.

Some unsolicited user testimonials:

Change history:
15 September 2010: Version 2.2b - improve registration behaviour in fix face of Windows' increased security features
17 January 2007: Version 2.2a - fix cosmetic problem when displayed on "Large Fonts" (120 DPI) displays
24 April 2006: Version 2.2
    * New skin
    * Bug fix - presets not working in demo mode
    * Bug fix - autotune not restoring settings from user presets
    * Bug fix - stability issue with formant filter (access violation on shutdown)
    * Slightly lower memory useage
13 January 2006: Version 2.1 - fixed bug recalling settings, caused by preset one overwriting recalled values
    * NB: existing users will require a new unlock code - contact me for details
6 March 2005: Version 2.0a - fixed bug accepting registration code on some machines
5 March 2005: Version 2.0:
    * Choice of FFT corellation & zero-crossing pitch-tracking algorithm
    * Mix, FM & Ring mod mode for combining oscillators
    * Gain control to reduce or increase soft-clipping
    * Bug in envelope-follower fixed - smoother envelope tracking
18 December 2004: price dropped to $25
2 March 2004: Version 1.1c - fix potential problem with stereo-only version
5 May 2003: Version 1.1b - streamlined some issues with behaviour when registering
16 March 2003: Version 1.1a - fixed problems with VST versions under WaveLab and Logic
11 March 2003: Version 1.1
    * Fixed problems in VST version with presets not updating display controls
    * Fixed problems in DirectX version under Sound Forge
23 February 2003: Version 1.0 released
8 February 2003: Beta Version (pre-1.0) released


All content and software Copyright 2010 Trevor Magnusson
Cubase and VST are registered trademarks of Steinberg Media Technologies AG: